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Resume: Text


Berry College - May 2020

Mount Berry, Georgia

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

Public Relations Concentration

WinShape College Program Scholar

Resume: Text


First-Year Mentor - Berry College

April 2019 - December 2019

I lead and teach a group of 14 freshmen at Berry College in their first semester of college. Twice a week, I instruct or aid in instructing a 50-minute class in which we discuss different issues students might confront while transitioning into college. (i.e. drinking, consent, academic integrity, etc.) I organize meetings and individual appointments with students to provide opportunities for them to ask questions and talk about what they're experiencing in school.

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Resume: Text

I presented a co-authored paper entitled, “#MeToo Movement: Exploring Silence, Shame and Gaslighting when Speaking Out About Sexual Assault,” at the national conference, OSCLG in Lake Tahoe, NV in October 2018.

Writing Center Consultant  - Berry College Writing Center

August 2018 - May 2020

Research Assistant - Berry College Communication Department

August 2018 - May 2020

I have been trained to be able to proofread, edit, organize and format work and assignments for citation types, writing styles and all disciplines offered at Berry College. I work with students to strengthen their assignments, guiding them through the process of creating powerful, meaningful work.


Resume: Text

Public Relations Intern - Sexual Assault Center of North West Georgia

August 2018 - December 2018

I designed promotional materials for community outreach events and presented information to mass audiences about “safe relationships”. I created and managed social media content for Facebook and Instagram while increasing social media reach by 75% on the organization's Instagram. I also trained and spoke with victims of sexual assault/violence.

Volunteer Chaplain - Floyd County Jail

August 2017 - May 2020

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Twice a week, I go to the jail in Floyd County, Rome, Georgia and spend an hour in a block with 10-40 inmates. I am given time to speak to them about faith, their personal matters, and opportunities they can take advantage of upon leaving the jail. On top of visiting the jail, I lead a team of college-aged students in ministering at the jail. I lead weekly meetings, ensure equality on the team and aid in governmental procedures for volunteers.


Resume: Text
  • Date Analysis

  • Writing and Editing

  • AP Style

  • Graphic Design

  • Qualtrics Survey Design

  • Microsoft Office

  • Adobe Suite

Resume: Text


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