Berry College - May 2020
Mount Berry, Georgia
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Public Relations Concentration
WinShape College Program Scholar
First-Year Mentor - Berry College
April 2019 - December 2019
I lead and teach a group of 14 freshmen at Berry College in their first semester of college. Twice a week, I instruct or aid in instructing a 50-minute class in which we discuss different issues students might confront while transitioning into college. (i.e. drinking, consent, academic integrity, etc.) I organize meetings and individual appointments with students to provide opportunities for them to ask questions and talk about what they're experiencing in school.
I presented a co-authored paper entitled, “#MeToo Movement: Exploring Silence, Shame and Gaslighting when Speaking Out About Sexual Assault,” at the national conference, OSCLG in Lake Tahoe, NV in October 2018.
Writing Center Consultant - Berry College Writing Center
August 2018 - May 2020
Research Assistant - Berry College Communication Department
August 2018 - May 2020
I have been trained to be able to proofread, edit, organize and format work and assignments for citation types, writing styles and all disciplines offered at Berry College. I work with students to strengthen their assignments, guiding them through the process of creating powerful, meaningful work.
Public Relations Intern - Sexual Assault Center of North West Georgia
August 2018 - December 2018
I designed promotional materials for community outreach events and presented information to mass audiences about “safe relationships”. I created and managed social media content for Facebook and Instagram while increasing social media reach by 75% on the organization's Instagram. I also trained and spoke with victims of sexual assault/violence.
Volunteer Chaplain - Floyd County Jail
August 2017 - May 2020
Twice a week, I go to the jail in Floyd County, Rome, Georgia and spend an hour in a block with 10-40 inmates. I am given time to speak to them about faith, their personal matters, and opportunities they can take advantage of upon leaving the jail. On top of visiting the jail, I lead a team of college-aged students in ministering at the jail. I lead weekly meetings, ensure equality on the team and aid in governmental procedures for volunteers.
Date Analysis
Writing and Editing
AP Style
Graphic Design
Qualtrics Survey Design
Microsoft Office
Adobe Suite